Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Belly! 3 more months to go...

Pregnancy Survey... for a little bit of fun....?

1. What's the one thing you would change about pregnancy? no morning sickness!

2. What is the most surprising symptom? being so cranky he he...o well...

3. What's something every pregnant woman should know? let everything go, don't get too worked up over something...

4. What's the funniest thing that's happened to you while you're pregnant? i have no idea...

5. What is the one thing that annoys you the most during pregnancy? at my work...everyone. i'm better off just staying in my house

6. What's the one thing you can't get enough of? mac and cheese...

7. What is the one piece of advice every pregnant woman should have? idk?!?!?

8. What is your favorite snack food? cereal :D

9. What food makes you sick?chinese food

10. How well do you and daddy to be get along?ha ha i love him but my hormones hate him...i'm just too cranky...

11. Sex or No Sex? no comment lol

12. Boy or Girl? BOY!

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